Group consumer ============== As of Kafka 9.0 Consumers can consume on the same topic simultaneously. This is achieved by coordinating consumers by one of Kafka broker nodes (coordinator). This node will perform synchronization of partition assignment (thou the partitions will be assigned by python code) and consumers will always return messages for the assigned partitions. Note: Though Consumer will never return messages from not assigned partitions, if you are in ``autocommit=False`` mode, you should re-check assignment before processing next message returned by :meth:`~.AIOKafkaConsumer.getmany` call. Producer: .. code:: python import sys import asyncio from aiokafka import AIOKafkaProducer async def produce(value, partition): producer = AIOKafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092') await producer.start() await producer.send('some-topic', value, partition=partition) await producer.stop() if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("usage: ") sys.exit(1) value = sys.argv[2].encode() partition = int(sys.argv[1]), partition)) Consumer: .. code:: python import sys import asyncio from aiokafka import AIOKafkaConsumer async def consume(): consumer = AIOKafkaConsumer( 'some-topic', group_id=group_id, bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092', auto_offset_reset='earliest') await consumer.start() for _ in range(msg_cnt): msg = await consumer.getone() print(f"Message from partition [{msg.partition}]: {msg.value}") await consumer.stop() if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("usage: ") sys.exit(1) group_id = sys.argv[1] msg_cnt = int(sys.argv[2]), msg_cnt)) Run example scripts: * Creating topic ``some-topic`` with 2 partitions using standard Kafka utility:: bin/ --create \ --zookeeper localhost:2181 \ --replication-factor 1 \ --partitions 2 \ --topic some-topic * terminal#1:: python3 TEST_GROUP 2 * terminal#2:: python3 TEST_GROUP 2 * terminal#3:: python3 OTHER_GROUP 4 * terminal#4:: python3 0 'message #1' python3 0 'message #2' python3 1 'message #3' python3 1 'message #4' Output: * terminal#1:: Message from partition [0]: b'message #1' Message from partition [0]: b'message #2' * terminal#2:: Message from partition [1]: b'message #3' Message from partition [1]: b'message #4' * terminal#3:: Message from partition [1]: b'message #3' Message from partition [1]: b'message #4' Message from partition [0]: b'message #1' Message from partition [0]: b'message #2'