Custom partitioner ================== If you consider using partitions as a logical entity, rather then purely for load-balancing, you may need to have more control over routing messages to partitions. By default hashing algorithms are used. Producer .. code:: python import asyncio import random from aiokafka import AIOKafkaProducer def my_partitioner(key, all_partitions, available_partitions): if key == b'first': return all_partitions[0] elif key == b'last': return all_partitions[-1] return random.choice(all_partitions) async def produce_one(producer, key, value): future = await producer.send('foobar', value, key=key) resp = await future print("'%s' produced in partition: %i"%(value.decode(), resp.partition)) async def produce_task(): producer = AIOKafkaProducer( bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092', partitioner=my_partitioner) await producer.start() await produce_one(producer, b'last', b'1') await produce_one(producer, b'some', b'2') await produce_one(producer, b'first', b'3') await producer.stop() Output (topic ``foobar`` has 10 partitions): >>> python3 '1' produced in partition: 9 '2' produced in partition: 6 '3' produced in partition: 0