Manual commit ============= When processing more sensitive data ``enable_auto_commit=False`` mode of Consumer can lead to data loss in cases of critical failure. To avoid it we can commit offsets manually after they were processed. Note, that this is a tradeoff from *at most once* to *at least once* delivery, to achieve *exactly once* you will need to save offsets in the destination database and validate those yourself. More on message delivery: .. note:: After Kafka Broker version 0.11 and after `aiokafka==0.5.0` it is possible to use Transactional Producer to achieve *exactly once* delivery semantics. See :ref:`transactional-producer` section. Consumer: .. code:: python import json import asyncio from kafka.common import KafkaError from aiokafka import AIOKafkaConsumer async def consume(): consumer = AIOKafkaConsumer( 'foobar', bootstrap_servers='localhost:9092', auto_offset_reset='earliest', group_id="some-consumer-group", enable_auto_commit=False) await consumer.start() # we want to consume 10 messages from "foobar" topic # and commit after that for _ in range(10): msg = await consumer.getone() await consumer.commit() await consumer.stop()